
Monday, April 20, 2015

Installing HDroidGUI on Manjaro/ArchLinux

I just submit 3 PKGBUILD scripts for Harbour/HDroidGUI development:into Arch User Repository (AUR) which is a community-driven repository for Arch users.

Here are steps on how to build them in Manjaro/Arch Linux, open terminal and type/run these commands (choose "Yes" on installation prompt):

yaourt -S harbour-git

yaourt -S hdroidgui-git

sudo android

Current HDroidGUI use build-tools versiob 22.0.1 and android platform 22, if you use different version you must reinstall HDroidGUI and edit PKGBUILD using you version.

yaourt -S hdcalcul-git

Since hdcalcul is a sample of working directory, you need to set permission, so your account can access it, you may choose between chown (to set for you or your groups) or set by chmod (for example 777, for everyone), for now I recommend chown, in this example my username is iip, I'm also set HDroidGUI folder and it subdirs and rebuild all libs in it (I don't know why, I need more time to check it):

sudo chown iip:users /opt/hdcalcul -R
sudo chown iip:users /opt/HDroidGUI -R
cd /opt/HDroidGUI

That's it, Let's test hdcalcul scripts:

cd /opt/hdcalcul

If the compilation and linking successful, you will see hdcalcul in bin directory, you could directly copy to you Android device and test it.

The source file for hdcalcul is under src directory, you can edit as you want.

If you have any questions just reply in comments below.



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